So, I've been working on this drawing for, well, forever. The date I have marked on the paper is 01/26/10. Granted, I put it down about 8 days later when I left for Vancouver/Whistler BC. And didn't touch it until about 3 weeks ago. Maybe a month. I'm not sure. Anyway, it was about 1/2 done, maybe a little more than that, but there was a lot of work to go. Where it is now, I'd say it's 4/5 done. But, I thought I'd post the progression of this piece for you to see.
Here it is at the earliest phase I kept record of. I try to take photos along the way, to sort of show where I started and what's left to go. I did the background all in one go, I think. It's been so long that I don't know.
This skin is probably one of the most frightening things I've attempted. It's blue. They used some very intense lighting in this scene, and I had recently figured out how to really do skin, so I was a bit thrown off and intimidated. Hence why I did everything except the skin first.
Getting this blue skin started. This is where the image stayed for a very long time. Noses are hard, blue skin is hard, eyes are my favorite, but they're wicked. Also, teeth are much harder than people ever think they are. Faces are hard, to be honest. But they're so telling, and so beautiful. Especially David's. #meltingintoapuddleofgushyfangirl
Right, so after a year and a half untouched, I picked it back up and did one of the hardest parts of the entire thing: one of the eyes. And it happened to be the eye that was crying. I also went back and really tried to work on the skin to get it where I wanted it. Blue/teal, yes, but with skin tones that make it feel less....weird? Also, that tear was/is a nightmare. A mess. But I think I can live with it.

Getting going on that mouth. Wait, actually, sort of really getting going on everything. The nose is shaping up, the left side of the drawing is all finished except for the mouth, and I'm gearing up to get the right side done. Obviously, eye on the right is scaring me, so I'm avoiding it. The whole right side is pretty rough overall though. This photo came from my phone, which is why it doesn't look as neat and tidy as the others. But, having a smart phone for the first time ever is wickedly exciting.

And now we get to where it's at now. Sorry for the photo quality... the colors were a bit off, so I tried adjusting it and, well.... eh. It is what it is. But, you can see a mostly finished mouth, a finished nose, and really just the eye region remains. Also, fixed his jaw line on the right side. Sort of. That eye is scaring the life out of me because blue and skin tones all intermingle there and blending them and getting them right is going to be a nightmare.

So, there you have it.
A few nights ago I watched some David Tennant era Doctor Who, and boy, I forgot how good it was. I mean, yes, it's amazing, but after the f'ed up mess that Doctor Who is now with Matt Smith, and the whole River Song crud, it was even more amazing. I was in awe of David as the Doctor. He's just.... he'll always be my Doctor. Christopher Eccleston was great, fantastic. But David is the best.
Also, saw him in Fright Night, and he was great. Those little things that make David, well, David, are incredible. He just has this energy, this synergy, this charisma, this presence.... he's probably one of the underrated actors of our time. He's the man in the room that everyone wants to know, and that shines the brightest. And he's got the talent to back it all up. As I told someone today: screw morals. If given half the chance, I'd sleep with him and have his children.
I'm not kidding on that one. Well... it might be a bit hard, considering that I'm fairly sure I'd turn into a gushing, blubbering fangirl the moment I saw him and lose all coherency, decency, and ability to think. I'm sure he gets that a lot.

I hope you caught all that.